Monday, May 17, 2010

Beetle Mandala Pendant

Here is yet another mandala designs. This week's design is inspired by something a little different than the typical flower that most people would find beautiful - this one incorporates the shape of a beetle. Like the previous mandala this is etched and oxidized copper 1 1/2”(4 cm) diameter on a 36-inch vinyl cord with adjustable Love Knots terminal and copper wire bail, and as with the previous entry, here are some macro pictures that I've taken of beetles.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Flower Mandala Pendant

For the next couple entries, I am showing off a couple of nature-inspired mandala designs. Mandalas are circular geometric patterns which represent the cosmos from a human perspective. Initially the purpose of a mandala was to focus and aid meditation in Eastern religions. In art, a mandala can be thought of as a microcosm of the universe. And using something from nature on a smaller scale, like a flower, as a representation of something large (the universe) is an appealing idea to me.

So this week's entry is my flower mandala pendant - etched and oxidized copper 1 1/2”(4 cm) diameter on a 36-inch vinyl cord with adjustable Love Knots terminal and copper wire bail, along with some pictures of flowers that I have taken.